Article | Australian Financial Review
Why Tom Snow is giving away $100m
The philanthropist wanted his marriage to be recognised. He won. Now he’s changing medical science.
Activist philanthropist Tom Snow is already ensconced in our banquette at Such and Such, Canberra’s newest foodie crowd-puller, when I arrive with a photographer in tow.
Everything about Snow, it strikes me, is a lesson in precision: the haircut, the Tom Ford narrow-frame tortoiseshell glasses, the perfectly cut blue open neck shirt and ankle-length navy chinos with sharp tan leather shoes.
Snow tells me his family has connections with our dining venue.
“We built this building, and the one behind it,” he says. “We were working to our philosophy of developing local talent and people, so we have been closely involved with getting the people behind Such and Such in here,” he says.
When he says we, he means the Snow family. Patriarch Terry, his wife Ginette and their four children: Stephen, Georgina, Scarlett and, of course, Tom....