Commitment to Gender Equity

Commitment to Gender Equity

Commitment to Gender Equity

06 July 2022

Update on Commitment to Gender Equity

The Snow Medical Research Foundation (Snow Medical) is committed to accelerating equity, diversity and inclusion in the biomedical workforce with an initial focus on gender equity. Despite widespread recognition of a gender equality problem and numerous attempts by organisations to address it via policies, processes and initiatives, progress has been frustratingly slow and there is much to do to achieve gender balance in the sector. We are working with our partners to ensure material, positive change happens and developing an outcomes-based framework (the Framework) which sets-out minimum criteria that organisations applying for our grant funding and notably Snow Fellowships, will need to meet. Our Framework will also be used to guide the assessment of an organisation’s applicants to our funding programs. Snow Medical is undertaking a targeted consultation with selected stakeholders to refine the Framework and our final position will be released on International Women’s Day on 8 March 2023.

6 July 2022

Download the statement here